[ALAC] [IDN-WG] Draft Statement on TMCH and Variants

JJS jjs.global at gmail.com
Sun Apr 21 08:51:09 UTC 2013

*Dear Hong,*
*I'll let those like yourself who put in all the hard work, to reply more
specifically to the points you raised. Just 2 quick remarks:*
*- "*I don't assume LGR needs to be addressed here." *Well, during one of
the sessions with the presence of an expert (he was presented to us as the
leading authority on this question), we were given an explanation on why
and how the LGR must be fully taken into account in any proposal about IDN
variants. That's why we thought it necessary to include the point about LGR
in the revisions which Rinalia was kind enough to take care of, based upon
your very valuable initial draft.*
*- "*The community needs hope not more staffing." *I'm sure our community
agrees with you. However, in a structure like ICANN, hope alone does not
always achieve the results we expect. Why did we specifically mention
staffing? Because in the course of meetings, it became apparent that in the
process leading to the acceptance and introduction of IDN variants, there
are gaps, specifically regarding personnel having the required technical
capacity, but also a sufficient level of understanding of linguistic
constraints and user expectations.*
*With best wishes,*

2013/4/21 Hong Xue <hongxueipr at gmail.com>

> I made the Draft on April 10 and updated it on April 11 on the wiki. It
> seems the current one does not refflect the updated parts. I don't
> understand why the current page at
> https://community.icann.org/display/alacpolicydev/ALAC+Advice+to+the+ICANN+Board+on+Trademark+Clearinghouse+and+IDN+Variants
> completely
> removed my initial and updated versions, along with all the comments. Could
> anyone help me to get those back? I do believe all the volunteers' works
> should be saved and recorded.
> Trademark variatns are more complicated than IDN variants and may not
> exactly match up to the LGR, particularly withe respect to Trademark
> Claims. I don't assume LGR needs to be addressed here.
> Also, I oppose to " This may require additional Staff ". The community
> needs hope not more staffing.
> Hong
> --
> Professor Dr. Hong Xue
> Director of Institute for the Internet Policy & Law (IIPL)
> Beijing Normal University
> http://www.iipl.org.cn/
> 19 Xin Jie Kou Wai Street
> Beijing 100875 China
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