[ALAC] Red Cross/IOC - Questions for Consensus Call - Reply due by September 26th

sandra hoferichter info at hoferichter.eu
Thu Sep 20 05:44:51 UTC 2012

+1 very wise words

Best Sandra

(Note: This message was send from my iPhone - I do apologise for any misspelling.)

Am 20.09.2012 um 03:52 schrieb Avri Doria <avri at acm.org>:

> Hi,
> Please forgive me for intruding in your discussions.
> I see that you mostly have made up your minds to support this travesty, but I want to add a contrary note to your deliberations.
> If we give the IOC and the IFRC what they want in this motion, we will never be able to take it away from the them.  You will be supporting granting this as IOC base 'rights'.
> Please, do not hold your noses.  Please smell the skunk for what it is and recommend against it.  Recommend a PDP and recommend splitting the issue.  Please do not recommend creating a new special reserve list (whatever they call a rose is a rose and a duck is a duck).
> Unlike Alan, I beleive that a PDP can complete in time.  
> Be that as it may, please understand that anything given temporarily now will become the new base on which future give aways will be built.  That is the way of the world, and certainly the way of ICANN.
> We can call it as temporary as we want but it won't matter, because there is nothing so permanent as a temporary solution.
> avri
> On 19 Sep 2012, at 22:31, Carlton Samuels wrote:
>> My ALAC position was to delink the Red Cross from the IOC, different
>> animals altogether.  The recent controversy about how the IOC hogs the
>> funds from the Olympics is further evidence to support that posture.
>> No contest that Usain Bolt has done more for revenues this year than any
>> other single athlete.  But the Jamaican Olympic Committee is left to
>> scrounge for a few more scholarships from all the money them suckers reaped
>> off his performance! Unconscionable.
>> I will hold my nose and support the position Alan outlined.  On condition
>> that if the PDP comes as he thinks, we go to the mattresses for
>> delinking....and even reversal.
>> - Carlton
>> ==============================
>> Carlton A Samuels
>> Mobile: 876-818-1799
>> *Strategy, Planning, Governance, Assessment & Turnaround*
>> =============================

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