[ALAC] Red Cross/IOC - Questions for Consensus Call - Reply due by September 26th

Alan Greenberg alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca
Wed Sep 19 23:23:03 UTC 2012

The two were linked because the GAC asked for both at the same time 
and gave a related rationale for both. I am not sure there is 
anything deeper in it than that.

The PDP, presuming one is started, may well decide that they deserve 
different levels of protection. They are certainly different sorts of beasts!

I would, however be careful with how we label them. The IOC certainly 
tries to maximize sponsorship, broadcasting and licensing revenue, 
but in the eyes of many, that is not their raison d'etre. [I do go on 
record as noting that during the recent Olympics, the only thing I 
watched was part of the closing ceremony when I was visiting 
relatives who had it on in their living room, so I am certainly not 
one of their more ardent supporters.]


At 19/09/2012 11:03 AM, Evan Leibovitch wrote:

>Actually, in parallel to what Alan is suggesting, I would actually 
>like to propose a formal advice to the Board demanding public 
>accountability regarding why the IOC and RC are insisted to be 
>linked. Such a path undermines public confidence in an organization, 
>that can't tell the difference --regarding public protection -- 
>between a humanitarian body and one that merely seeks to maximize 
>sponsorship revenue.
>- Evan

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