[ALAC] Google Book Settlement Rejected

Hong Xue hongxueipr at gmail.com
Thu Mar 24 02:18:11 UTC 2011

Dear Jean-Jacques,

Thanks for the links. Google has surely the procedural right to appeal to
the relevant Circuit Court (2dn Circuit?), but I don't believe its
likelihood of success if high. Instead Google may redraft the Settlement
Agreement to shift from opt-out to opt-in, but that may shift its business
model and profit prospective as well.


On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 9:32 PM, Jean-Jacques SUBRENAT <jjs.global at gmail.com
> wrote:

> Dear Hong,
> yes, many of us have been waiting for this ruling, and had some concerns
> that Google's arguments would carry the day.
> Unfortunately, the link you provided does not seem to operate (at least
> here), so I'm providing another link, to The Guardian (I hope this one
> resolves),
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2011/mar/23/google-online-library-plan
> s-thwarted
> The concerns voiced in Europe about the Google Book project underlined
> several points:
> - under the guise of an initiative in favour of civilization, Google has
> in fact developed a clever business model aimed at ensuring for itself a
> position of world dominance, with severe contract obligations imposed upon
> its partners;
> - potentially, the creation of a world monopoly, not on a product but on
> one of the treasures of human development, the visual support of knowledge;
> - transforming what has traditionally been a "public service" (public
> libraries) into a commercial venture, with the prospect of currently free
> or low-cost services becoming accessible only against payment;
> - a lack of transparency.
> A question to you, Hong: does Google have the possibility of appealing
> this latest judgment?
> Regards,
> Jean-Jacques.
> On 23/03/11 19:18, "Hong Xue" <hongxueipr at gmail.com> wrote:
> >A long saga ended today. A federal judge rejected a *Google
> >settlement*<
> http://online.wsj.com/article/SB100014240527487044613045762169
> >23562033348.html>that
> >would allow it to post millions of
> >*books* online. It shows that Google should not be allowed to make Global
> >law through its opt-out (opt-in by default) rules to manage the world
> >knowledge.
> >
> >
> >Hong
> >
> >--
> >Dr. Hong Xue
> >Professor of Law
> >Director of Institute for the Internet Policy & Law (IIPL)
> >Beijing Normal University
> >http://www.iipl.org.cn/ <http://iipl.org.cn/>
> >19 Xin Jie Kou Wai Street
> >Beijing 100875 China
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Dr. Hong Xue
Professor of Law
Director of Institute for the Internet Policy & Law (IIPL)
Beijing Normal University
http://www.iipl.org.cn/ <http://iipl.org.cn/>
19 Xin Jie Kou Wai Street
Beijing 100875 China

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