[ALAC] NCSG + ALAC => Cartagena

Hong Xue hongxueipr at gmail.com
Mon Nov 22 01:19:59 UTC 2010

Hi, Bill, I just doodled. It seems an overwhelming majority prefers to
Monday Evening after 8:00pm.


On Sun, Nov 21, 2010 at 9:30 PM, William Drake <
william.drake at graduateinstitute.ch> wrote:

> Hi
> Great Beau, will be good to catch up with bits unchanneled...
> And thanks Wolf for posting the Doodle, which I've pointed NCSGers to.  See
> you tomorrow at the UN for an altered state of reality...
> Bill
> On Nov 21, 2010, at 11:25 AM, Beau Brendler wrote:
> > count me in...time for a unified front...going through "channels" doesn't
> work very well, though it's taken me perilously too long to figure that out
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> >> From: William Drake <william.drake at graduateinstitute.ch>
> >> Sent: Nov 18, 2010 4:14 AM
> >> To: ALAC Working List <alac at atlarge-lists.icann.org>
> >> Subject: [ALAC] NCSG + ALAC => Cartagena
> >>
> >> Hi
> >>
> >> Alan and I chatted a little about whether we should try to organize an
> ALAC/NCSG social thing in Cartagena, but then I was traveling with spotty
> connectivity for a couple weeks and didn't follow up.  NCSG had it's monthly
> meeting the other night and people expressed interest, so now I'm circling
> back to see whether there's interest in ALAC too?  Of course, if a whole
> evening with dinner is too much to squeeze in, we could just do an end of
> the work day pre-dinner meet in the hotel bar, like 6-8pm or whatever.
> >>
> >> Please cogitate and let me know?
> >>
> >> Thanks
> >>
> >> Bill
> >>
> >> Begin forwarded message:
> >>
> >>> From: William Drake <william.drake at graduateinstitute.ch>
> >>> Date: October 30, 2010 8:40:54 AM GMT+02:00
> >>> To: Alan Greenberg <alan.greenberg at mcgill.ca>
> >>> Subject: Re: NCSG + ALAC => Cartagena
> >>>
> >>> Well, there are in fact some things on which coordination would be
> logical, but given the recurrent difficulty of organizing something and the
> perhaps related shadows of all the histories involving various individuals,
> I tend to think the most unifying approach is to avoid unified inter-org
> meetings, instead gather socially, and then the various pairs and such who
> work well together can socialize and later build on that.  In other words, I
> think incremental, fragmentary trust/collaboration building is the way to
> lay a foundation from which broader comity and coordination can eventually
> evolve.  And anyway, people like to party…
> >>>
> >>> Sat-Sun is GNSO stuff, Tuesdays is for tribes and loud music, Wed gala,
> Thursday people are often moving into see the town mode.  So Monday is
> always the main option, at least on the NC side.  But if memory serves ALAC
> folks often do ISOC stuff then, no?
> >>>
> >>> Anyway, with enough advanced warning I can probably sell Monday or
> Thursday night, or failing that just a end of the day drink in the hotel bar
> before people head to evening activities.  Last time we waited until
> everyone already had plans.
> >>>
> >>> So poke around and let me know?
> >>>
> >>> BD
> >>>
> >>> On Oct 29, 2010, at 11:23 PM, Alan Greenberg wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Certainly worth a try. I presume you are talking something more on the
> social side rather than a scheduled meeting - right?
> >>>>
> >>>> I know that we have some sort of ALAC or At-Large event on Thursday
> evening, so that reduces the number of possible times evenings to Monday and
> Tuesday (haven't heard if there is the becoming standard
> unbearably-loud-music-night this time).
> >>>>
> >>>> Alan
> >>>>
> >>>> At 29/10/2010 08:58 AM, William Drake wrote:
> >>>>> Shall we try it again?  It would seem particularly apt now that
> there's been various productive collaborations and some of the frictions are
> further in the past etc…
> >>>>>
> >>>>> BD
> >>
> >> ***********************************************************
> >> William J. Drake
> >> Senior Associate
> >> Centre for International Governance
> >> Graduate Institute of International and
> >> Development Studies
> >> Geneva, Switzerland
> >> william.drake at graduateinstitute.ch
> >> www.williamdrake.org
> >> ***********************************************************
> >>
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Dr. Hong Xue
Professor of Law
Director of Institute for the Internet Policy & Law (IIPL)
Beijing Normal University
http://www.iipl.org.cn/ <http://iipl.org.cn/>
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