[ALAC-Announce] Call for Subject Matter Experts for the IDN Root Zone LGR Integration Panel and Advisors to All Panels

At-Large Staff staff at atlarge.icann.org
Fri Jun 7 09:33:31 UTC 2013

Call for Subject Matter Experts for the IDN Root Zone LGR Integration Panel
and Advisors to All Panels
6 June 2013
Today, ICANN's IDN Variant TLD Program
<https://www.icann.org/en/resources/idn/variant-tlds> moves forward with
initiating the implementation of the IDN Root Zone LGR Procedure by
publishing the Call for Subject Matter Experts for the IDN Root Zone LGR
Integration Panel 
-panel-06jun13-en.pdf>  [PDF, 168 KB] and Call for Advisors to the IDN Root
Zone LGR Panels 
un13-en.pdf>  [PDF, 164 KB].

The IDN Root Zone LGR implementation project will undertake work to develop
the rules that identify the valid repertoire of code points for IDN TLDs, as
well as the rules for identifying and possibly delegating any IDN variant
TLDs. The work is carried out as specified in the "Procedure to Develop and
Maintain the Label Generation Rules for the Root Zone in Respect of IDNA
ar13-en.pdf> " [PDF, 1.39 MB] (Procedure) and involves an Integration Panel,
(to be staffed by paid experts), a set of Advisors to all Panels (formed of
paid consultants, volunteers, or ICANN staff), and a set of Generation
Panels (consisting of volunteers). The latter are subject to a separate

Successful development of the IDN Root Zone LGR depends on having
Integration Panel members with the right skills to perform the substantive
work. Therefore ICANN is soliciting the participation of subject matter
experts to serve on the Integration Panel and advisors to the Integration
and Generation Panels.

The Integration Panel will be comprised of a small number of technical
experts in the following areas: DNS, IDNA, Unicode, and linguistics. The
Call for Subject Matter Experts for the IDN Root Zone LGR Integration Panel
-panel-06jun13-en.pdf>  [PDF, 168 KB] describes the details of expertise
needed, as well as the expert selection process. The Call for Advisors to
the IDN Root Zone LGR Panels
un13-en.pdf>  [PDF, 164 KB] describes the desired expertise for advisors and
their selection process. Interested experts are invited to submit their CV
and an expression of interest statement demonstrating how they meet the
qualifications for one or other of the subject matter or advisor expertise
areas. Expressions of interest should be sent to idnvarianttlds at icann.org
<mailto:idnvarianttlds at icann.org>  no later than 27 June 2013.


Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco, Matt Ashtiani, Gisella Gruber, Nathalie
Peregrine and Julia Charvolen
ICANN Policy Staff in support of ALAC
E-mail: staff at atlarge.icann.org

One World, One Internet


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